There’s a common misconception that body hair, specifically facial hair, can help prevent skin cancer by blocking the sun’s rays from reaching your skin. However, this is not the case – even with dark or extremely thick hair, the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays will penetrate your skin and cause damage and even potentially skin cancer.
When it comes to the beard, we want to encourage men to take special care to inspect their skin below the hairline – even going as far as shaving it down completely once or twice a year. Cancerous spots or precancerous skin lesions can hide in a beard, and depending on how long it takes for you to find them (sometimes years) these skin cancers can be harder treat and result in lower rates of cure as the cancer has progressed past where it might have otherwise.
So, if you’ve shaved down and you’re ready to do a self-exam, what signs should you look for?
- A lump or sore that doesn’t heal
- A spot that oozes or bleeds
- A dark mole or freckle that has changed appearance
Maintaining the Beard and Your Skin Health
Protecting your skin when it comes to keeping the beard in tact, you should remember one thing: apply the spf. You should apply sunscreen all over your face including on the skin under your beard. Yes, this does mean you’d have to rub it in over the hair itself! We get it, that may not feel ideal if you have a long or particularly bushy beard. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Studies show that less than 1 in 5 men apply spf to their face daily ( Even better, add a hat with a brim to help deflect additional rays!
The information presented in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns, please call our office or make an appointment with a medical professional. Savannah River Dermatology is located at 575 Furys Ferry Rd in Augusta, Ga. Our office can be reached at 706-691-7079.