How to Treat a Sunburn

Your skin can burn if it is exposed to too much sun without proper protection from sunscreen and clothes.To heal and soothe stinging skin, it’s important to treat a sunburn as soon as you notice it.The first step you should take is to get out of the sun—and preferably indoors. Once indoors, these dermatologists’ tips…

The Right Way to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Dirty makeup brushes can be damaging for your skin. Makeup brushes collect bacteria, product residue, dirt and oil. This can compromise your complexion, manifesting in acne breakouts and rashes. If you’re not regularly washing your makeup brushes it can also affect your health. Dirty makeup brushes can cause fungal infections or staph infections, which can…

How to Treat Sun-Damaged Skin 

Are you worried you may have sun-damaged skin? Going outdoors without sun protection or using a tanning bed exposes you to ultraviolet (UV) light that damages your skin. Over time, this damage builds up and you may see changes to your skin. These changes can include: wrinkles, age spots and loose skin. Wrinkles Wrinkles are…

5 Common Sunscreen Mistakes 

Skin cancer affects one in five Americans in their lifetime making this the most common cancer in the US. However, there are steps individuals can take to protect their skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays, thus reducing their chance of contracting skin cancer. Some simple steps that can be taken to reduce your risk…

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that approximately one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lives? Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States and more than one million Americans live with melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. Because of this, the American Academy of Dermatology…

Safe Sun Reminders

Safe Sun Reminders for Spring Break 

As the weather warms up and you start spending more time outside, remember to practice sun protection every time you are outdoors. By following these tips, you can better protect your skin and decrease your risk of skin cancer.  Seek Shade The sun’s rays are strongest during 10am – 2pm, so try to avoid being…

Sunscreen FAQs

Sunscreen FAQs

Warmer weather is here and with it we know many of you will start resuming outdoor activities, vacations, and generally start spending more time in the sun. While you should apply sunscreen everyday, year-round, we want to answer a few frequently asked questions as we go into Spring.  What type of sunscreen should I use?…