Your Skin and Scarring

When we injure our skin, our body’s natural healing response is to close the wound and form new skin over it, sometimes leaving a scar. While most of the time you shouldn’t really have to “do” anything to help aid the healing process, there are some steps you can take to help the skin heal…

How to Practice Safe Sun This Spring

As spring and summer approach, this typically means most of us will be doing plenty of outdoor activities and getting some much needed Vitamin D. That’s great! We encourage you to get outside with your family this Spring. However, we also want to remind you to be aware of how much time you’re spending in…

Skincare Tips for Men

Guys, we know you typically like to keep it simple when it comes to a so-called “skincare routine.” Nevertheless, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of men prioritizing their skin health and striving for a more youthful appearance in recent years. This presents a wonderful opportunity for men to assess their skincare…

Treating Summer Bug Bites 

More outdoor days mean more fun in the sun and also, potentially some bites from our friends the bugs! While many of the bites we’ll experience are simply annoying, sometimes bites can cause severe itching or even spread disease. So, how do you protect against the summer bugs without ruining the fun? We recommend the…

Skincare on a Budget: Is it possible?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably on a bit of a skincare kick right now. Maybe you read an article about how prevention is the best way to combat fine lines, or maybe you’re ready to finally clear up your acne for good. Either way, you’re probably feeling a bit overwhelmed by how much this…