Have you ever dealt with age spots? You know, those pesky marks on your skin that pop up long after the days of pimples and tanning beds and don’t quite pass for freckles? You might notice them in places most often exposed to the sun’s rays, such as your hands and face.
Age spots are nothing to be ashamed of. However, many patients report that they’d like to reduce their appearance and we totally understand! If keeping your skin looking clear and youthful is a priority for you, keep reading to learn which treatments can be effective in lessening the appearance of age spots.
Here are the facts:
There are 2 primary courses of treatments for those looking to reduce the appearance of age spots:
- Topical products like creams and lotions
- Procedures, such as laser treatments, which can be done in a dermatologist’s office.
Procedures tend to work faster than topical treatments, but that doesn’t make them the best solution for everyone. They also cost more money and sometimes come with risks, so if your age spots are light and/or not bothering you too much, we recommend starting off with a cream or lotion tailored to your needs.
Using a topical treatment requires discipline; to see results you’ll need to apply your treatment once or twice a day for weeks (or even months!) without missing an application.
What to know before you treat your age spot:
Creams and lotions: Plenty of nonprescription products on the market claim to fade age spots. If you’d prefer to opt for a topical treatment before turning to a procedure, speak to a board certified dermatologist first to discuss the right course of topical treatment for you and ensure that your age spot isn’t something more serious, such as seborrheic keratoses, actinic keratoses or skin cancer. If your spot is cancerous, treating it as an age spot could give it a dangerous amount of time to grow.
Seeing a dermatologist can also help you to determine which course of topical treatment is best for your age spot, which could save you both time spent looking through hundreds of products and money spent on products that won’t work for you. You also may need a prescription grade cream to fade your age spot, and a dermatologist can assist you by writing that prescription so that you have all you need to get started.
Laser Treatment Procedures: Laser treatments can treat age spots in as little as one or two sessions! They also provide longer lasting results than creams or lotions, which makes them an enticing option for many patients with age spots. We even offer Laser Treatments here at Savannah River Dermatology; click here to learn more about our offerings.
Cryosurgery: Cryosurgery is a procedure used frequently to treat age spots during which a dermatologist will freeze your age spot. As the skin heals, it will appear more even. While this treatment can be painful in the moment, it’s incredibly quick and often very effective. It’s critical that you work with a board certified dermatologist if you choose to do Cryosurgery in order to avoid side effects.
Chemical Peels: Chemical peels can be especially effective for fading age spots on the hands. If the pain and recovery time associated with Cryosurgery has you feeling hesitant, a chemical peel might just be the perfect solution for you!
Remember to wear your sunscreen; even after you’ve treated your age spots…
Your age spots could return after treatment if you don’t utilize preventative measures such as wearing sunscreen and avoiding prolonged time in direct sunlight. We recommend Coola suncare products to all our patients, and we even sell them in our practice!
Have questions about removing your sun spots? Give us a call. Savannah River Dermatology is located at 575 Furys Ferry Rd in Augusta, Ga. For appointments and other questions our office can be reached at 706-691-7079.